Simone Sarantuya

Hi, I’m Simone.
I have been drawing and painting since I was three years old. My path was always clear.
I studied Art and graphic design at the Folkwang school of the Arts and at Parson’s school of Design. I pursued a carrier in advertising and became Senior Art Director at BBDO.
I also worked as a free artist in photography, illustration, CI, Logo design, brand design, free ceramics, jewelry design, painting, free installation art and interior design.
I had numerous exhibitions in galleries and bigger locations for my installation art. From 2014 I worked as Art Director in game development and was vision keeper to numerous browser games.
In 2021 I became interested in Ai art and am now working full time as a Midjourney Ai artist.
Most of my life I lived in New York City, now Berlin, Germany. I also studied Ballet at the Folkwang school of the Arts and was a Ballet dancer with the Manhattan Ballet company, now Staten Island Ballet, until I was 30. I live in the country with eight cats and 35 pet chickens. I am vegan for 25 years.
Simone Sarantuya’s Cats